Monday 31 December 2018


What do you think when you hear the word Autism? I think about a red vest, a wagging tail, and a warm hug from my super poodle. These are my thoughts. I have Autism myself.

Autism affects everyone in different ways. it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's a gift that makes us special. we are all different and unique in our own ways.

I find that some things are more challenging than other things like sometimes it's hard for me to fall asleep.
So here are some things I have tried.

For sleeping: Melatonin, not looking at screens an hour before bedtime, a magnet blanket (here's a link for the magnet blankets you can choose your fabric and stuff too)

For concentrating: a wiggle cushion

and a wiggle chair 

Overall the biggest thing that has helped me is my service dog Jovi The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides is a national charity dedicated to providing Dog Guides to Canadians with disabilities at no cost. Its Autism Assistance Dog Guide program, founded in 2009, trains Dog Guides for children aged 3-18 with autism. Jovi helps me concentrate, sleep, self-regulate, he clams me down and is my very best friend. I could not imagine a life without my faithful poodle!

I'm hoping my blog post helps other kids who have Autism and their moms. If you want to ask me any questions I'm here to help, just do so in the comments section. I also love to read just about anything so if you have any good suggestions let me know!

                                                         I hope this has helped you.

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