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Feeling Unworthy of Love
May you experience the
love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you
will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes
from God. (Ephesians 3:19)
By Sheri Rose Shepherd
Bestselling Author and Bible Life Coach |
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is a battle within most women's hearts to believe they are worthy of
love. If we believe the lie that we do not deserve love and are hiding
behind feelings of unworthiness, even the most loving man in the world
will not be able to break down the wall around our hearts.
Can you imagine if every night when you went to tuck your children into
bed they refused to let you hug them or express your love because they
did not feel they deserved it? As a parent, you would embrace them every
time you could to prove to them they were indeed worthy of your love.
If they refused to receive it because of how they felt, it would break
your heart.
I believe that is how our heavenly Father feels when we refuse to let
Him love us. But there's so much more at stake when we feel unworthy of
love. When we are locked up inside, we cannot become the women we want
to be in our men's and children's lives. If we do not love ourselves and
do not let God lavish His love on us, it will hinder us and hurt
There are many reasons we may fight feelings of unworthiness. Some of us
had fathers who never expressed how much they loved us, and others had
mothers who did not feel they deserved love and did not know how to show
love, so we began to see our worth through their eyes and not through
God's. We may have been abused verbally, emotionally, or physically.
Maybe our first love made us feel we were worthless. Some of us had all
the love in the world from our families, but we felt rejected by our
The list of things we women believe when it comes to love is endless.
But the truth is, how we feel will never change how loved we are by the
Lord. And nothing that we have done or that has been done to us can keep
God from loving us. The question is, will we open our hearts and let
His love in? I believe if God wrote us a love letter, it might read like
this . . .
My Beloved Daughter,
I love you with an unconditional, everlasting love so you can be free to
love. My precious daughter, don't allow those who have hurt you to keep
you from experiencing the joy of loving others. I know giving a piece
of your heart away involves risk, but I am here to heal your heart when
someone hurts you. I want you to choose wisely whom you allow in your
heart, and I also want you to give those you love the freedom to fail.
Remember that no one else can love you as perfectly and completely as I
do. Don't look for a perfect love in people, or you will always find
disappointment and heartache. If you allow your soul to settle into Mine
and become one with Me, you will never doubt that I am forever and
always devoted to you.
Your Prince Jesus, who can't stop loving you
May you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how
wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. (Ephesians 3:18)
For more teaching from the Your Heart's Desire book and Bible study, visit www.biblelifecoaching.com.
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