From the Back:

Coffee Shop Devos offers a warm atmosphere that will inspire you to discover your God-given purpose and live to your greatest potential. Choose your devo flavor in the Menu of Contents based on your current need. Then lean into deeper intimacy with Christ through reflection and prayer. Along the way, you'll pick up tips and recipes for making your own coffee-shop beverage--regular or decaf--to enjoy while you read. And don't forget to share your journey with your friends!
Every challenging and motivational devotional will leave you feeling refreshed and reinvigorated--like you've just shared a steaming pot of brew at a coffee shop with your Creator.
For ages 12-18!
Tessa Emily Hall writes inspirational, authentic books for teens to show others they're not alone--and because she remembers the teen life like it was yesterday (or a few years ago). In addition to being a frequent contributor to both online and print publications, including Devozine,, and Guide magazine, she published her first novel while still in her teens. She's the founder and editor-in-chief of and enjoys mentoring other young writers. Connect with her online through social media (@tessaemilyhall) and her website at
My Reflections:
Loved this hip devotional, it was a great gift to my 16-year-old daughter.
The layout is easy to navigate and has very relevant content for the younger generation.
I enjoyed how Tessa Emily Hall the authour infuses her own personal stories throughout this devotional. Her narratives are both deep and encouraging, helping guide youth through tough times and also the carefree days. She encourages girl's to include God in it all, through a personal and deep relationship fostered through Bible reading and sharing your life with our creator.
Some of the themes include:
Mocha- inspiration for the soul
Latte- Comfort in Trials
Coffee- Motivation for the journey
Frappe- Encouragement to be yourself
Macchiato- Healing for heartbreak
Cappuccino- All about relationships
Americano- Everyday Issues
Decaf- Finding rest
Flat white- Strength to carry on
Isn't that neat that they used a coffee theme, now my girl is so not into coffee but lots are and I thought this was a fun way to intro a subject!
If you are looking for a devotional that is steeped (haha couldn't help it, I'm a tea girl myself) in depth this is a fantastic devotional. It is not meant to be read front to back but by the leading of the reader. This would be a perfect devotional for any teen in your life. Much to be gleaned from this one!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc
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