A Woman's Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year
By Diane Stortz
From The Back
You CAN Read the Bible in a Year
When Diane Stortz was invited to join a study to read the whole Bible in a year, she went for it. It changed her life, even though she'd been a Christian a long time. Now, more than ten years later, she still reads through the Bible every year with a group of friends.
"I didn't start to really know God until I made knowing him my goal as I read the Bible. Getting to know God changed me. It changed how I think and what I do. It changes me still."
God put the Bible together for you. Reading it through in a year helps create a rich experience and a focused understanding of what God wants to reveal about himself. And with week-by-week reading plans, easy-to-use reference material, and stories of encouragement from women like you, A Woman's Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year is the perfect companion for this life-changing practice.
Gather your Bible and some good friends to join you in your journey, or go for it on your own. Either way, God will change you.
My Reflections:
Delve into a wonderful routine of immersing your soul in God’s
word, using this fantastic little guide.
Upon viewing this book what caught my attention instantly
was the front cover, it is soothing with my favorite beverage hot tea; this
simply beckoned me to review it.
Diane Storts has designed a very functional, yet personal
guide to reading the bible in a year. She is insightful, honest and relevant
throughout this study. I found the plan to be presented in a clear and
uncluttered format.
This study goes week by week, and includes a summary of your
Bible verse references and checkpoints. I especially enjoyed the Share the
Journey exercises. These can be done as a group in your Bible study sessions or
alone with God as your personal Journaling.
A few other points that make this study special is that they
are is so easy to follow and read, you can check off your reading plan
checklist as you go week by week and in the back of the book, if you choose.
Reading God’s word daily with a systematic approach helps us
to not only know how God wants us to live, but also speaks directly to us, in a
way like no other can. This little gem of a book is a great tool to keep you on
track and organized!
I received this book free of charge in exchange for my
honest review from Bethany House Publishers. Thank you Bethany House!
About the Author

Diane Stortz has over twenty years of Christian publishing experience, including writing and editing. She maintains a blog site to encourage Bible reading and memorization (dianestortz.com). She and her husband, Ed, live in Cincinnati, Ohio.
About the Author
Diane Stortz has over twenty years of Christian publishing experience, including writing and editing. She maintains a blog site to encourage Bible reading and memorization (dianestortz.com). She and her husband, Ed, live in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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