From The Back:
It’s 1983, and twelve-year-old River Starling’s life is anything but normal. She was adopted on a whim and came without a birth certificate. Her adoptive parents gave her up to her grandmother when she was only two, but River is certain her parents will come back. River’s hopes fall apart when Gram uproots them from their farmhouse and decides to move to Birdsong, West Virginia, the most miserable town River has ever seen. There she makes an unlikely friendship with an unusual boy and learns about acceptance, hard work, forgiveness, and the love of Jesus. Discover the unforgettable story of one girl’s search for a place to call home. - See more at: https://www.harvesthousepublishers.com/books/my-name-is-river#sthash.YG3IfNz8.dpuf
My Reflections:
The story River written by Wendy Dunham is a sweet, moving drama that will speak to the pre-teens and teens alike. It is the perfect springboard to deep discussions about your child's life and thoughts.
There are some big issues raised in this book. Some of them include being abandoned, having a disability, Preconceived notions about people and our reactions to those beliefs. Lots of fodder for you to get into some great late night chats, and really connect with your young lady. I read this book first then gave it to my 13 year old to read. We had some great talks and I was able to gain an understanding of where she was at on some of these topics.
Twelve year old River has not only been abandoned by her birth parents but also by her adoptive parents. Raised by her adoptive parents grandmother River must come to terms that she is loved and cared about, even without traditional parents. River faces being uprooted from her home and moves with her grandmother to Birdsong West Virginia. There she meets William Wippoorwill and the duo learn quite a bit about life and acceptance. Their adventures lead them into some dangerous situations, a friendship is bound and new experiences grow River in ways she never imagined.
A very touching story, I would have no hesitations in recommending this book to pre-teens and teens alike.
I received this book free of charge in return for my honest review from Harvest House Publishers. Thank you Harvest house!
About the Author:

Wendy Dunham
Wendy Dunham is the author of My Name Is River and a registered therapist who works with children with special needs. Her desire is to honor her Creator with whatever it is she's writing about. Whether it's a poem, an article, a devotional, or a novel, her goal is to share hope, encouragement, and unconditional...
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