From The Back:
We need a parenting revolution!
Most parenting approaches end up encouraging children to ask the wrong questions about life: What’s in it for me? Are you going to pay me for that? What’s the minimum I need to do to get by?
But God’s Word gives us a better way to parent, one that builds strong internal motivation in children.
When parents change the way they parent, kids change the way they live. This practical book explores a theology of internal motivation and then gives parents real-life solutions to equip their kids for life.
You’ll learn . . .
• how to parent in ways that build internal motivation so that kids don’t have to rely on you to get things done.
• the four promptings of the conscience and how to coordinate your parenting to take advantage of them.
• ways to energize your spiritual training with fun and creativity.
• how to help children respond to mistakes instead of blaming, defending, or justifying.
The greatest gift you can give your child is strong moral and spiritual development—this book shows you how. Every chapter includes practical examples of families applying the Bible to their current issues.
Join the revolution!
My Reflections:
I have read so many parenting books, really too many. Regardless I keep striving to build onto the skills I have, and learn new fresh ideas to inspire and motivate me to help launch my kids into the life God created them to live.
The principals of this book are biblical and seem to make sense to me on so many levels. There are practical examples illustrated with straight forward language.
Teaching kids to live with integrity and conscience are tools that every parent should have in their back pocket. This is a resource that hits the nail on the head, you won't want to miss out on the great advice and wisdom these authors have to share.
The beginning of this book focuses on moral development, and touches on topics like internal motivation, conscience, correction, integrity, compassion and consequences.
The second half focuses on the practical aspects of spiritual development. Topics like God's plan, Family time, Relationships, Leading children to Christ and more. It really brings it all together. I absolutely love how this book focuses on a family unit and on how we all need to work together as a family, no matter what YOUR family looks like. A very practical approach considering the world we live in today. There is no perfect family and I enjoyed the fact that this book broached the touchy subject of Solo parenting.
All in all a solid book with many great parenting ideas, I will be going through this one again and highlighting the dog eared pages for further study. You know it's a keeper when you read a self help book twice or more!
I received this book free of charge in return for my honest review from Book Look Bloggers Program, thank you so much Book Look!
About the Authors:
Scott Turansky has been a pastor and missionary for more than 33 years and is an author of several books. In addition to pastoring full time, Scott also conducts parenting seminars on Saturdays around the United States ( He is the cofounder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting ( and has co-authored four books.
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Joanne Miller, R.N.
Joanne Miller is a pediatric nurse with 26 years of experience and the cofounder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. She is the coauthor of seven parenting books.
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