I have been given the assignment this week to come up with a literature assignment for a popular children's book. I chose one of my favorites "Moo Who?" as it is funny and a real joy to read and act out! This would be good for grades K-2
Here is a Story map I found you can see it here: http://mrsbyrdskinder.blogspot.ca/2014/01/story-map-freebie.html
I find story mapping a wonderful way to dig a little deeper into the story. You can have the children draw the characters of write the names out depending on your age group. Since I had a variety of ages in my group I let them decide.
I also sorced out a classroom organizer at:
This little link will take you to nifty little activity guide, because who doesn't love activities you don't have to think up?
I then had the kids cut up and unscramble word strips to make a few simple sentences.
coloring page, or you could glue cotton balls to him. |
barn dot to dot. |
I had so much fun compiling these resources, thanks for stopping by!
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