From the Back:

Even aware parents often underestimate the dangers their children face. Research indicates that 1 in 4 females and 1 in 6 males are sexually abused before age 18. In most cases, the enemy is not a faceless stranger, it's someone you know and trust--a neighbor, a coach, or even a family member.
This book provides practical steps to ensure you're doing all you can to reduce the risks of abuse. But since you cannot be with your children 24/7, the authors teach you how to help your child develop awareness and strategies in the face of potential dangers--without making them fearful.
Dr. Robinson, whose decades-long practice focuses on abused and endangered children, calls on her own case studies to show age-appropriate conversation starters for parents, teaching them how to ask the right questions and provide the right boundaries.
This book will help you move from fear to confidence on this critical topic that is just too important to ignore.
My Reflections:
Protecting our children has become harder than ever. The internet, our saturated busy lives leaves our homes and children open targets for predators of all kinds.
In "Protecting Your Child from Predators" you will find tips and real-life stories, is this an easy happy read. NO. Is this a must-read, YES. Each and every one of us must stay vigilant over the safety of our children, this book opens the shutters of our eyes, the ones we rather not explore.
In Protecting Your Child from Predators you will find three informative sections that deal with your specific age group, these are labelled:
1) Children Five and Under
2) Children Six to Eleven
3) Ages Twelve and Older
In these sections, the authours do a good job of moving the reader from fear to action. Getting into the minds of preditors helps parents know what to watch out for. This book is a must-read if you have children, work with children or run a church ministry. Don't be fooled, the Bible teaches us to put on the full armour of God, this is no joke, we are in a battle my friends, and some of us do get hurt in the crossfire, but our God is a good God and he does redeem.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Beth Robinson EdD
Beth Robinson, EdD, is a licensed professional counselor and approved supervisor for licensed professional counselors. She is also a certified school counselor with a teaching certificate and is a frequent expert witness in legal proceedings involving...
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Latayne C. Scott PhD
Latayne C. Scott, PhD, is an award-winning veteran of the Christian publishing industry and has written over two dozen books. She has a PhD in biblical studies and lives with her husband in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Continue reading about Latayne C. Scott PhD
Thank you so much for your perceptive and supportive review! Dr. Beth and I are very grateful, and pray that this book can protect many.