From the Back:
The secret to great relationships—just for teens
#1 New York Times bestselling book The 5 Love Languages® has sold over 10 million copies, helping countless relationships thrive. Simply put, it works. But do the five love languages work for teens, for their relationships with parents, siblings, friends, teachers, coaches, and significant others? Yes!
Introducing A Teen’s Guide to the 5 Love Languages, the first-ever edition written just to teens, for teens, and with a teen's world in mind. It guides emerging adults in discovering and understanding their own love languages as well as how to best express love to others.
This highly practical book will help teens answer questions like:
- What motivates and inspires me?
- What does it mean to be a caring friend?
- What communicates love to my family?
- What is the best way to get along with the opposite sex?
Features include:
- A straight-forward overview of the 5 love languages
- A profile/assessment instrument specifically geared to teens
- Practical examples/tips for how to apply each language in a teen’s context
- Graphics that drive home key concepts
Teens' relationships matter, and these simple ideas will help them thrive.
My Thoughts:
I will be sitting down with my teens and working out a book study for them over the summer with this book, I think it is relevant to their young lives. If you have never heard of the "love languages" before here is a wee little explanation. Research has proved that each person receives messages of love and appreciation in a set way.
Some people respond better to time spent with them, some people do better with written communication, notes or spoken words of communication, and yet others receive love by the amount of time spent. Another person may feel loved by gifts, or acts of service or through touch. You see we all experience life differently and uniquely one persons love language may not be another, so it is important to find out what people value in order to communicate love and friendship effectively.
The author will give more in-depth explanations on the love languages and how messages are received.
I enjoyed the refresher on this topic and feel my children will certainly benefit from studying together this summer, I am so looking forward to some non school bonding through this study!
So in closing I would certainly recommend this book for parents and their teens. even if you are new to the concept of the "Love Languages" you will certainly glean a ton of great information and learn what you need to know to apply this principal to you relationships and give your teen the skills they need to have successful communication skills in the real world. I so wish I had read this when I was a youth!
I received this book free of charge in return for my honest review from Moody Publishing. Thank you Moody!
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