From the Back:
After sending his army to besiege another king's capital, King David forces himself on Bathsheba, a loyal soldier's wife. When her resulting pregnancy forces the king to murder her husband and add her to his harem, Bathsheba struggles to protect her son while dealing with the effects of a dark prophecy and deadly curse on the king's household.
Combining historical facts with detailed fiction, Angela Hunt paints a realistic portrait of the beautiful woman who struggled to survive the dire results of divine judgment on a king with a divided heart.
My Reflections:
Bathsheba is Angela Hunts second book in the series, Dangerous Beauty. I have had the pleasure of reading both books now and can tell you I loved every minute of my reading experience!
To take a biblical story and turn it into a fictional account is not for the faint of heart. Most of my friends won't read biblical fiction as it takes the bible and well, fictionalizes it.
I however enjoy reading these books, being the creative thinker I absolutely love to imagine what details behind the story are not told. Also reading these books encourages me to dig deeper into the bible stories and truly flesh out the facts from fiction.
Hunt did an amazing job of researching her characters and staying fairly true to the biblical account. She has brought the stories of David and Bathsheba to life, filling in the emotion and details masterfully.
Like Hunts last book Esther (which I let my 13 year old read) Bathsheba is another one for the library shelves, I can't wait for Hunts third book Delilah to join this collection and form a masterful trio. well done Angela Hunt!
I received this book free of charge in return for my honest review from Graf-Martin Communications. thank you so much Graf-Martin.
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