ISBN13: 9780802411570
From the Back:
From America's favorite marriage expert and author of the New York Times #1 bestseller, The 5 Love Languages®
Respected marriage counselor Gary Chapman looks at the key issues that will help you build the marriage you've always wanted, answering such real-life questions as . . .
- Why won't they change?
- Why do we always fight about tasks and responsibilities?
- Why should we have to work at sex?
- Money
- Communication
- Decision making
- In-laws
- and much more
Discover the "joy potential" in your marriage and your "ministry potential" for God!
My Reflections:
Another stellar book from best selling Gary Chapman. His insight and the practical approach to relationships has made this book one of my favorites, along side of the Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, my top favorite. Gary Chapman is the bestselling author of the Five Love Languages, he is a well known and trusted professional who has helped countless couples achieve greater intimacy and deeper loving relationships.
When I decided to order this book for review I thought, "just another book on relationships," this one is well worth your time, a must read if you are thinking about marriage, or have been married for 40 + years.
This unassumingly small book of 143 pages, can save your marriage.
I have a pretty awesome marriage, we love each other, we are devoted and pretty darn happy with each other, but I was able to glean so much from this book that I am happy to say that I am learning to take our relationship past awesome. The changes I am experiencing are not from trying to change HIM they are about changing ME, and my attitude on how I deal with the little conflicts that are bound to crop up.
I think ideally it would be beneficial if both couples read the book together, that being said change is achievable by adjusting your attitudes and the way you react to the irritants in your relationship. I loved Chapman's story about his wife being a neglectful drawer closer, and how he had to simply accept his role as the man in the house who would close every drawer and cupboard that was left ajar.
My favorite part of the book was a section at the end of each chapter titled, "Your Turn" you are encouraged to dig a little deeper and explore your life by working through a set of questions. A great way to weed out your selfish desires and walk along side God and really lean onto the scriptures. After all it takes three to have a good marriage, God at the top and you and your spouse on each side!
This is definitely a book I will keep in my library to reference and loan out to friends!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Moody Publishers and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Moody Publishers".
About the Author :
Gary Chapman
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